別冊GO OUTキャンプギア編の人気シリーズ「CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6」にて当店紹介されました。

Our store was featured in the popular GO OUT Camping Gear special edition series "CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6".


DYNT COYOTE This is Dint Coyote.

Our shop was featured in the popular GO OUT Camping Gear special edition "CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6". It was 2 pages long!
Since these are items that are used on a regular basis, Hammocks items and items that we carry in our store are featured prominently.

Hammocs helped us with the photo shoot. Thank you for your cooperation.

There are lots of different camping gears listed, so please take a look!

The following items were introduced by our store:

"Sixmoon designs"

Luna Solo, poles, pegs

"ZENVIVI" Down Bed

"FIREBOX" Firebox set, leather gloves

"Lightload Towels" original towel

"Cnoc" Vesica 1L water bottle etc.

"DYNTCOYOTE" original items

"FLEX SOLER" portable solar charger

"TOAKS" shot glass

"BEAVER CRAFT" Spoon Carving Set

"JD Berford JD Burford Miner's Lamp"

"Belmont Blankets" Legacy Blanket

From Hammocs

CRIDAS×Hammocs Spice Box

HM CAJON × Hammocs IPHONE speaker stand is featured.

The popular series "CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6" from the special issue of GO OUT Camping Gear

The popular series "CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6" from the special issue of GO OUT Camping Gear

The popular series "CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6" from the special issue of GO OUT Camping Gear

The popular series "CAMP GEAR BOOK vol.6" from the special issue of GO OUT Camping Gear

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